Reach out great professionals around you
Many of us know how difficult it can be to figure out community resources and activities when changing countries. For some of us it's the time required and also the language barrier. Please take a look at some of these links and let us know through Facebook if you need one of our french speaking members to help you access the information.
ASK (All Special Kids) - https://allspecialkids.org
Autisme suisse romande - https://www.autisme.ch/
Fondation Coupe d'Pouce - https://www.coupdepouce.ch/
Info-handicap - https://www.info-handicap.ch/ (click on "loisirs" for adapted activities)
Pole Autisme - http://www.pole-autisme.ch/fr/activites-intervention-precoce-cipa
Procap - https://www.procap.ch/fr.html
Pro Infirmis - https://www.proinfirmis.ch/fr.html
Special Olympics - https://specialolympics.ch/fr/
Swiss Disabled Sailing - https://handivoile.ch/